Personal Injury Lawyers New York, NY

NYC Roofing and High Rise Work Accident Lawyer

Put an experienced construction accident attorney on your side

Many construction workers work on roofs or the upper stories of high-rise buildings. It’s dangerous work and every year, there are construction accidents that leave workers in New York City with serious injuries. When the negligence of a third party caused an accident that left you hurt, you may be able to recover financial compensation. 

That’s why you need an experienced New York City construction accident lawyer. At Keogh Crispi, P.C., we understand how an accident can impact workers and their families. They can be affected physically, emotionally, and financially. We build strong cases that hold negligent third parties accountable and fight for the results out clients need and deserve.

A lawyer who will fight for you every step of the way

Roofers, steelworkers, glaziers, and other workers often do their jobs high off the ground. But workers are vulnerable to: 

  • Contact with power lines
  • Falling from heights
  • Being hit by debris
  • Lack of fall protection
  • Heatstroke
  • Stormy weather
  • Uncovered holes in a roof
  • Roof collapse
  • Crane accidents
  • Defective or unstable ladders
  • Scaffold collapse

There are safety regulations that must be followed on construction sites when workers are performing tasks high off of the ground. But negligence can lead to an accident. There are a wide range of serious injuries that workers can suffer, depending on the circumstances of the accident. These include:

  • Broken bones – These injuries are common when roofers or other workers fall from a height. They may have fractures in the arm, wrist, legs, ankles, or hips. There may be multiple fractures.
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) – An injury to the head can result in bruising or bleeding in the brain. Workers may be left with a concussion or more serious TBI.
  • Back injuries – These can include injuries to vertebrae, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. An accident can also cause a bruised or severed spinal cord injury, leading to paralysis.
  • Burn injuries – Roofers often work in the hot sun and handle hazardous chemicals. Without the proper protective equipment, they can suffer burns and disfigurement.
  • Cuts and lacerations – A fall from a height, a power tool accident, or an accident with heavy equipment can result in serious cuts and lacerations on any part of the body.

Injured workers may need surgery, hospitalization, medication, home health equipment, and multiple follow-up medical appointments. Workers’ compensation benefits can help pay for medical expenses and provide partial wages while they can’t work. But if a third party’s negligence caused the accident, injured workers may be able to recover additional compensation.

We know how to hold negligent parties accountable

Third parties on a construction site can include property owners, contractors, subcontractors, engineers, architects, and equipment manufacturers. But proving a third party was negligent can be complicated. They often deny doing anything wrong and refuse to accept responsibility for what happened. Insurance companies may take their side and dispute liability.

That’s why you need an experienced New York construction accident lawyer working for you. Our firm knows how to build strong cases that hold negligent parties accountable. 

Our legal team can investigate your roofing or high-rise accident. We gather evidence, review accident reports and other documentation, and interview witnesses. If needed, we consult industry experts who can help us understand how the accident happened and who was responsible. 

We also determine the total damages you suffered as a result of your injury and demand compensation. In general, you can seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, lost future income, vocational rehabilitation, home and car modifications, and other damages such as pain and suffering. 

We also deal directly with the insurance company so you can focus on getting better. We’re familiar with the tactics they use to limit compensation. These include questioning the seriousness of your injuries, arguing injuries were pre-existing, and shifting blame to another party. They may even make a lowball settlement offer, hoping you’ll accept and go away. 

Schedule your free consultation today

There’s one thing you can count on. Our firm will not be overworked or outmaneuvered by any insurance company. We are determined to help you recover the full amount of financial compensation you deserve, whether that’s through a negotiated settlement or a jury

If you were hurt on the job while performing roofing or high-rise work, we want to talk to you. You can learn about your rights and your options for compensation during a free consultation. We’ll answer any questions you have and give you an idea of what to expect during the legal process.

But don’t delay. While state law generally gives you three years from the date of your accident to take legal action, the sooner we can get started the better. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that important evidence will be lost and that witnesses will forget details about the accident. 

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation at our New York City office. 

New York City Office
Phone: 212 818 0600
Nyack Office
Phone: 212 818 0600
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