Personal Injury Lawyers New York, NY

What Are The Most Common Construction Accidents?

Yellow hard hat, wrench, hammer, level, and blueprints arranged on a wooden surface with a blurred construction site in the background.

Construction workers in New York City face numerous dangers on job sites each day. From falls to chemical exposure, construction accidents can lead to serious injuries or even fatalities. To help you better understand and mitigate these hazards, we point out the most common accidents on construction sites and provide tips on how to prevent them.

What are the most common construction accidents?

In the construction industry, the most common types of accidents include:


From 2022 to 2023, falls were the most frequently cited OSHA violation. Over 62% of construction workers are exposed to heights.

Job sites should be organized and clear of debris to prevent falls. Signage should mark walkways and wet or uneven surfaces. Workers should store corded tools to prevent potential tripping hazards.

Struck-by incidents

These occur when workers are hit by flying, falling, swinging, or rolling objects. To prevent struck-by construction accidents, workers should always wear proper head protection. When working at heights, tools should be tethered to belts. For crane operations, workers must maintain a safe distance and stay aware of their surroundings.


Electrocutions on construction sites are typically caused by faulty wiring, contact with power lines, and damaged equipment.

These accidents can be prevented by implementing an Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program. Additionally, site managers should conduct daily inspections of cord sets, plugs, and power equipment to prevent electrical accidents. Workers should avoid using frayed cords or those with exposed wires.

Caught-between incidents

These happen when workers are crushed between objects or pulled into machinery. Prevention often includes proper PPE, including high-visibility clothing. Regular equipment inspections and maintenance help prevent malfunctions. For trench work, workers should use protective systems when entering trenches at least five feet deep.


Fires often occur due to welding sparks, faulty electrical wiring, or improper storage of flammable materials. Poor maintenance of power tools or portable heating sources is also a common cause of fires.

For fire prevention, workers should keep multiple fire extinguishers accessible and store flammable materials safely.

Vehicle accidents

Vehicle construction accidents typically involve workers being struck by construction vehicles or passing cars in road work zones. They occur due to poor visibility, lack of proper signage, or driver inattention and speeding.

In road construction, site managers should create traffic management plans and use high-visibility barriers.

Demolition hazards

These arise from unexpected structural collapses during demolition work. Plus, they involve exposure to hidden hazardous materials like asbestos or lead. For demolition, thorough engineering surveys should be conducted before any work begins.


Overexertion results from repetitive motions, lifting heavy objects, or working in awkward positions. It often leads to musculoskeletal injuries such as back strains or tendonitis. To prevent overexertion, construction managers should implement ergonomics programs and use less labor-intensive methods when possible.

Ground collapse

These construction accidents happen when soil or foundations give way unexpectedly. They typically occur in trenches, excavations, or on unstable ground. Construction managers should evaluate all surfaces before work begins and use protective systems in trenches to prevent ground collapse.

Crane accidents

Crane collapses often happen due to overloading or high winds. They also occur when cranes contact power lines or when loads fall on workers.

Proper operator training and certification can reduce these accidents. Site managers should also always inspect equipment before use and outline safety guidelines during operation.

How can construction accidents be prevented?

For starters, construction managers should always provide appropriate PPE, including respiratory masks, gloves, and eye protection. They should also follow guidelines on exposure limits and refer to the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards.

Encouraging a strong safety culture is also important for preventing construction accidents. This includes:

  • Promoting safety awareness at all levels.
  • Conducting regular safety stand-downs.
  • Simplifying safety procedures.
  • Providing consistent worker training.

Additionally, appointing a dedicated Safety Manager or Safety Director can help oversee these efforts. This person should be responsible for training workers, reporting injuries, and enforcing compliance.

Using construction software can streamline safety documentation, such as incident reports, site plans, and daily logs. This allows all stakeholders to easily access information about potential hazards.

How do I get compensated after a construction accident?

If you've been injured in a construction accident in NYC, liability may fall on contractors, subcontractors, property owners, or equipment manufacturers. Getting the compensation you deserve can be a confusing and overwhelming process. That's why you need a skilled advocate who understands New York's labor laws and can fight for your rights.

Keogh Crispi, P.C. can help sort it out for you. Our law firm has a proven track record of securing compensation for injured construction workers, including:

  • $6 million for three workers hurt in a crane accident.
  • $5 million for a worker who suffered a traumatic brain injury after he was struck by a portion of a wall that toppled over.
  • $4.5 million for a laborer who was injured when he was struck and trapped under a section of excavation material.
  • $3.175 million for a worker injured while working on a renovation in the Bronx.
  • $2.25 million for a construction worker injured after becoming tangled on a scaffold.

Our legal team can work tirelessly to build a strong case and pursue the full compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. We offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay nothing unless we win your case.

To get started, contact us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward justice and recovery.

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